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Sunday, 2 December 2012

Function 7 Secrets Of Google

Many of us use search engines daily google but did agan2 know that google is also a powerful tool unntuk other things? There are a few simple tricks, but great results can you use when searching using Google features.1. Use google as a spell checker.If you are not sure about the spelling of a word, just enter the word into google, this is a quick way to see if you have the correct spelling. If incorrect, Google will suggest the correct spelling....

7 Useful Fruits For Health

Heart disease is caused by the high levels of cholesterol (LDL = low density lipoprotein) and high blood pressure. This disease was once believed to attack people who are elderly, but in line with the urban lifestyle of a busy and often ignore the frequent exercise plus eating junk food the disease can affect anyone, no age limit. This time 7Top Ranking will try to discuss the 7 Fruits Beneficial For Health, although we still have to change unhealthy...

7 Tips to Create a Blog That Interesting

The Ways and Tips to Make Your Blog a draw is not too difficult. based on the information that I read and I also gained quote from the article, then there is a 7 out of 10 steps you can take to make your blog interesting.Here are 7 Tips to Create a Blog That Points are:1. Not too many accessories blogWhen browsing to various sites I sometimes come across a blog that is very "beautiful and sweet". Blog comes with various accessories...

7 Habits That Can Enrich Life

Almost everyone wants to be wealthy or not wealthy, and may also include you. Yes, although not all people are like that. But the more people who want to be rich or have wealth. Even in order to achieve this, a lot of things that he did and he gave up. But did you know not all wealth is measured only from sheer material, even things that you yourself were trivial and not worth even that can make you rich or values ​​of others as wealth is within...

7 Ways to make sharp nose

Aquiline nose is everyone's dream, and not a few people want a sharp nose. Many people beheaded or segelincir nose with surgery, but it need not cost you a bit.Not to mention the impacts or risks that may occur if done by surgery, organ damage could be our face. Those that do it injected to get an aquiline nose. Actually, there are natural ways to decapitate your nose, you do not need to perform an operation that requires a high cost just decapitate the nose.Here are 7 Ways to make sharp nose1. Put your index finger along the middle part of your...

7 Ways to Become a Google Adsense Publisher

 Have often heard about Google's AdSense? Recognized that AdSense is the largest source of income from online business in the internet world, and cheap because without capital, and also easy because it does not need a high capability in terms of marketing and IT. There was a successful publisher, who in less than 6 hours of successfully demonstrating the ability to grab $ 400 from Google AdSense is.How exactly is the business logic? Why... Portal Seo Tools Blog

Want to know more about the world of SEO that many kinds that? Well, at this conference I will try to give a little infomasi still around the Web / Blog site that is also why the free SEO tools provider course.In his address on the domain, websites provide some kind of SEO tools that bloggers or webmasters can use anytime and anywhere. Here is an explanation of each of the SEO features that are there in addition to providing a...

Web Development Tutorial Website and Blog Free

For the beginner who does not know at all how garus steps in the journey to have a blog, a news Blog Seo tutorial This will give you a little information that can be used as a guide in getting a good blog at and it . To Learn the steps to create a free blog on Blogspot please visit Here www.ridwanaz.comAnd for complete information create a free blog on find the full tutorial here www.jembelisme.comWell...

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Bagaimana Cara Promosi Blog?

Bagaimana cara promosi blog? Apakah ini juga menjadi pertanyaan saudara? Pertanyaan ini juga pernah menjadi pertanyaan saya sekitar 3-4 tahun yang lalu. Oleh karena itu saya cukup paham bahwa banyak blogger yang sampai pada titik frustrasi karena blognya tidak kunjung ramai....Beberapa teman blogger yang berkomentar di sini, memang mengeluhkan sulitnya mendapat pengunjung. Apakah anda juga mengalami kesulitan yang sama? Jika demikian berarti...

Bagaimana Cara Mendapatkan Backlink Gratis Ataupun Berbayar?

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan backlink gratis atau backlink berbayar? Ini adalah tahap ke 4 dari 4 tahap SEO yang perlu anda ketahui. Backlink memang sesuatu yang paling sulit diperoleh untuk optimisasi SEO. Oleh karena itu juga backlink menjadi indikator yang paling utama dalam perhitungan peringkat hasil pencarian oleh semua search engine.INI ADALAH MASALAH SANGAT PENTING DALAM SEO, HARAP DIBACA DENGAN SEKSAMA DAN TANYAKAN JIKA ADA KEBINGUNGANSaya...

Google Pagerank Update November 2012

Google Pagerank Update November 2012 - Prediksi update pagerank meleset untuk bulan ini. Semula untuk November 2012 ini para netter menunggu tanggal akhir bulan untuk update pagerank. Ternyata pagi ini per 8 November 2012. Google sudah melakukan update pagerank yang ke enam untuk tahun 2012 ini. Update yang diluar dugaan ini kemungkinan disertakan dalam refresh algoritma panda yang dilakukan pada tanggal 5 November 2012. Pagi ini saya bangun...

Cara Membuat Google Plus

Cara Membuat Google Plus - Bagi sobat blogger yang sudah lama mengikuti blog ini mungkin baru memperhatikan bahwa saya membuat permintaan klik voting Google Plus di bawah setiap artikel saya. Sayangnya banner saya ini sepertinya kurang berhasil. Entah karena bannernya belum cukup untuk menarik perhatian. Atau barangkali teman-teman blogger belum punya halaman profil Google plus.Yang jadi masalah adalah kalau teman-teman blogger tidak tahu manfaat...