Saturday, 20 October 2012

Using the Internet for Marketing Communication

Menggunakan Internet untuk Marketing Communication Some time ago, there was a send a message on facebook so he asked

good afternoon sir abie cahmenggala,

I just received in the outsourcing company, in marketing comunication ... please dong pack for his or masukan2nya tips??? because I'm new in this kind of work .... I was expecting input from the father .... hopefully I can get a prompt reply from Mr. abie ....

Thank you,
Hmm .. marketing communication?
For those who are still confused by the term marketing communications or often abbreviated MarCom is a way to communicate with the market in shaping brand. The term is often used in enterprises.
Let me first no picture, just one example of the application of this MarCom like in my previous post. :) Got it? Despite posting a short, but with the "power of images" that's enough hit to achieve the expected goals.
The purpose of doing marketing communication that ...

build and strengthen brand
increase sales
And both can be done well on the internet ...
Well how about this then the application of marketing communications on the internet?
Various kinds of way. Than for the web, create a blog, create a fan page on facebook, twitter, and so on.
I think not. Contohlah example, I got this tube blogasdense. Other than that I had a facebook
Another way to through advertising on the internet, affiliate programs, SEO, email marketing, and more.
That should be understood also in the internet is not a one-way message that was built, but we have to be ready to interact. Market we will easily reach us. The power of internet media are supposed to be utilized by the company with the best.
Of course any marketing communication activities must be measured in order to know its effectiveness. Happy, on the internet it's very easy to do. Reports of ACTION that we do it well can be measured by using the tools on the Internet.
So, how Mr. abie to get started?
Talk about "how" it was straight into the technical terrain. Before that, you should be well familiar with:

who is your market?
who is your competition?
what strengths and weaknesses you?
What opportunities and challenges?
and what resources do you have?
Looks complicated? : D
Not complicated, really. For those who work in the company is usually required to be done. ACTION expected because this way you can do later directed, focused, and integrated.
Now let us return to the matter of the product (or service), because once again the product / service is what we are going to market. As in the above question, the questioner sure the company has products / services offered. What makes your product / service is unique? Where excess products / services that you?
Of the questions, you can decide to carry out the core message of branding your product / service. Positioning is like.
And importantly, always remember that:

How does your product / service that can help the consumer?
How does your product / service that can help the consumer?
How does your product / service that can help the consumer?
Accidentally I wrote three times, though more easily lodged and keingat continue. :)
It could also relate to the features of your product / service. But the point is important always to remember how your product can be useful for consumers. Because from there, God willing you will never cease to ACTION for a product / service that could be better, better, and better.
Part expediency is also a need to put forward in establishing channels of communication in your internet marketing. Always remember that, so that your web / blog / facebook you can help your customers.

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